Sunday, May 30, 2010


Here is an excellent resource on how to give an effective presentation that completely covers every aspect of this very important skill, which you can master even if your vocabulary is limited. Having a large vocabulary is ideal, of course, but good pace, presence, and pronunciation are equally important. By pace, I mean the speed and rhythm --  words spoken not too fast, not too slow, with stressses in the right places.  Presence means your personality and how you  connect with your audience, and how they respond to you. And, of course, clear pronunciation is critical if you want to be understood. Your grammar may be first-rate, but it's ultimately meaningless if there are pronunciation issues. Developing a large vocabulary is easy by comparison. The ability to deliver an effective presentation is a highly-prized  skill, and speaking competently and confidently takes practice. But the results are well worth the effort. People with excellent public speaking skills are a valuable asset to any organization, whether in business, science, government, technology, or academia.

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